Once Upon A Time...
A side series of illustration and concept work for my comic project, Gemini Journey, of contemporary elf character Veil Taffeta at his job in a bookshop with grimoires, magical living spell books.

Character Designs for some of the grimoires at the bookshop

Sometimes the job is about as fun and enchanting as you would expect

Though sometimes it's not

Veil's responsibilities include taking care of the grimoires and their messes

He is also in-training as a Grimoire preservationist,
a combination of magic, real world book-binding techniques, and veterinary
a combination of magic, real world book-binding techniques, and veterinary
Art Process

All illustrations were drawn by hand on the Ipad Pro using Adobe Sketch with the apple pen and minor color edits in Adobe Photoshop.

Lines and Shading


As this was a conceptual side project to Gemini Journey, my goal with the illustration set was to explore a different, storybook-like coloring style for my own portfolio while also furthering the visual lore of the comic for our reference in future stories we plan to tell.

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