The Reading Brain: How We Learn to Read
Studio: The Farthest Pixel
Script by: Amanda Robertson and Tara Galloway
Tools Used: Photoshop, After Effects
Script by: Amanda Robertson and Tara Galloway
Tools Used: Photoshop, After Effects
I was contracted by the Farthest Pixel to create a special educational animation explaining how the brain learns to connect written language to verbal meaning. Given script and voice over, I was tasked to create the video solution from concept to visuals to animation to final composite. The team (Amanda Robertson, Tara Galloway) and I wanted to do something with a little more flair than your average whiteboard animation while remaining in strict deadline and budgetary allowances. I came up with the solution to use free and stock assets, loosely edited together on a fictional "desk" from a first-person perspective, as an engaging narrative frame to keep the subject matter alive and the video moving.
During initial talks, Amanda and Tara expressed that they wanted to do a chalkboard or whiteboard animation, but with more flair. I did concept for two solutions to fit the criteria, with the team choosing the one using edited photo assets instead of drawn elements.

From the style choice, I created storyboards to the script using free photos and stock images, many of which were used again in final film.

I pulled raw images from morgue files, stock sites, and free use museum collections and edited together in Photoshop to create each scene.